Mirror (Diary, Journal)


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Mirror is a free secure dairy / journal app that enables you jot down your thoughts and ideas, add pictures, voice notes, track your mood, all in one place! Please share your feedback.
★ Features
- Secure your personal journal with a 4-digit PIN Lock password- Enhance your journal by adding multiple photos (upto 10)- Add voice notes- Add mood using mood-meter- Automatically saves the location and weather information- Daily reminders to write journal (customizable)- Organize journal entries using tags- Search entries by keywords, tags, location and weather- Backup and Restore journals securely in local storage
★ Coming soon
- Cloud syncing of journals across multiple devices- Support for Tablets and Web
READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE / WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - Used for saving journal entry photos, voice note and profile data to SD cardACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION / ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION - Used for accessing and saving the location and weather information of a journal entryINTERNET - Used for fetching relavant weather information as well as user profile informationRECORD_AUDIO - Used for recording voice notesREAD_PROFILE - Used for initally setting up the user profile by reading basic profile information of userGET_ACCOUNTS - Used for assisting user with user account selection while signing in